


课程要求 & 更新表单


Instructor Authorization 为m



Both of these forms are accessible in Adobe回声标志. 看到 instructions here to submit.

请参阅 Course Substitution 为m Instructions 提交之前 Adobe回声标志.

请注意Course Substitution 为m is to be used when a student has met a departmental, College, or 大学 requirement 通过其他方式. 如果获得批准,评价厅将在一份 学生的账户.



提交一个 学术的请愿书 here. 的 academic petition form is for students:

  • 看到king an exception to policy;
  • Disputing enrollment related activity;
  • Requesting permission to take a course(s) at a不her school while enrolled at Chicago 州立大学.

提交的任何请愿书必须附有支持索赔的文件. Please review our guidance related to documenting extenuating or mitigating circumstances 提交之前.

的 Office of the 注册商 reviews all 学术的请愿书s on a weekly basis throughout 这学期. 委员会审核后,将向学生的办公室发送一封回复信 CSU电子邮件地址. All petition decisions are final. 

请注意: 学术的请愿书 is appropriate for grade disputes.

Chicago 州立大学’s 金融援助 Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy measures whether students are progressing at a reasonable rate toward the completion of their educational objectives. 学生 must be in compliance with the SAP Policy in order to maintain continuing financial aid eligibility. SAP政策包括定性(GPA)和定量(课程完成情况) 完成教育目标的比率和最长时间框架)测量.

At the end of every semester of enrollment the Office of Student 金融援助 identifies students who became non-compliant with the SAP Policy, or continue to be in non-compliance, 因为他们在那学期的学习表现. Non-compliant students 是否会通过电子邮件通知他们的不合规状况. 的ir status will also 张贴于 基社盟X-Press.

学生 不 in compliance should meet with their 学术顾问 讨论需要什么来恢复SAP政策的遵从性,假设他们 有资格. 的 学术顾问 will complete the following forms:

 Additionally, a student needs to complete the: 

这包括任何必要的减轻情节的文件,如所述 在上诉表格内.

All three completed forms must be submitted to the Office of Student 金融援助. Once all documentation has been reviewed and a decision made, a student’s academic progress status will be up日期d in 基社盟X-Press. All decisions reached by the Office of Student 金融援助 are final.

 名字 | Social Security Number/DOB | Address & 电话号码

  • 名称: R需要更新或更改其正式名称的学生必须填写. 官方 documentation is needed before 请求s 处理.
  • Social Security Number/Date of Birth: Required for students who need to make up日期s/changes to their Social Security Number and/or 日期 of birth. 在提出申请之前,需要提供额外的正式文件 处理.
  • Address & 电话号码:如果您是在读学生,您可以更新您的地址 and/or phone numbers through 美洲狮连接. 看到 instructions here for more details:  

pdf图标 Instructions to Up日期 Contact Information 

更改时间表 - 添加/删除

Required for students who would like to make schedule changes for the term identified (drop/withdrawal changes will be processed with the 日期 of submission as the effective 日期.)

  • 添加/删除: 这种形式 is required for students who would like to add and/or drop classes according 到学期学术日历上公布的截止日期.

要请求更新所选的姓名或性别,学生将提交 this web-form online. 为 assistance or questions, please reach out to the 注册商’s Office in the Cook 政府 Building, Rm. 128或电邮: registrar@l9e1.com

Chicago 州立大学 recognizes that individuals may choose to identify themselves within the university community with a chosen first name and/or gender that differs 从他们的法定名字或出生时指定的性别. This policy promotes and supports an open and inclusive environment through the establishment of a chosen name, chosen gender identity and chosen pronouns for use within 大学 systems, where 可行的. 在可行的情况下,整个大学都使用选择的名字. 

CSU reserves the right to remove a chosen first name, if it is used inappropriately, including but 不 limited to, avoiding a legal obligation or for the purpose of misrepresentation. 的 legal name will continue to be used in 大学-related systems, business processes, IT systems (user account, and e-mail address), and documents such as reporting, financial 援助款、成绩单、工资单和税务单据等使用合法的记录 first name is required by law or 大学 policy. 

请注意如果你想使用你的合法名字,你不需要做任何事情. 学院 将自动使用您的法定名称,无需使用 form.

本科 学生,完成 这种形式 将文凭邮寄给您或要求更换文凭.


研究生 学生,完成 这种形式 将文凭邮寄给您或要求更换文凭(硕士) and Doctoral degree recipients only).


为 本科 and 研究生 diploma reorders, please 不e you must call the Cashier's 在您提交表格后,请办公室支付您重新订购的费用. 你可以到达 Cashier's Office at: 773-995-2029 or cashier@l9e1.com.

CSU has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse 提供 degree and enrollment verification.

13454 Sunrise Valley Drive


VA 20171

学生 who need a written statement of their enrollment status at CSU or their graduation 日期 must submit the enrollment verification form and provide a valid photo ID to 请求 a verification. Some 请求s will require a $4.00手续费.

需要的表格 允许科罗拉多州立大学学生同意发布教育记录,包括但不包括 仅限于学生档案,招生,成绩,纪律,和财务记录 第三方.


请参阅 毕业后的页面 有关申请毕业截止日期的更多详细信息.  

188bet金宝搏官网登录网址每年春天举办一次毕业典礼. 如果你想参加毕业典礼,请参阅我们的 Commencement page here. 学生 who 研究生 in Summer or Fall are eligible to participate in Spring commencement.


  • 与你的老师和/或专业顾问会面,讨论毕业问题. 他们可以 help review your academic 记录s to confirm degree requirements or provide next steps if any course substitutions are needed.
  • 的re is a $50 graduation application fee that will be assessed to your account when you submit your graduation application. You can stop by the Cashier's Office to pay this fee any time or call by phone: (773) 995-2029.
  • Diplomas are available approximately 3 months (12 weeks) following 这学期 you 毕业. 当毕业证寄出时,学生将通过他们的电子邮件收到通知. 请确保您与大学的联系信息是最新的. You can check this via 基社盟X-Press. 看到 instructions on how to up日期 your contact info here


研究生 and Professional students who have been admitted to a degree or certificate 计划,可能 使用这个表格 申请188bet金宝搏官网登录网址接受的另一所学校的学分 大学. 科罗拉多州立大学的政策允许最多34%的学位或证书学分的转移 requirements, though some programs allow fewer. 为 questions, please email: 研究生programs@l9e1.com 

需要的表格 对于想要提交不完整成绩申请的科罗拉多州立大学学生. 的 process is initiated by the student and must be submitted to the instructor in writing, using the Incomplete Grade Request and 合同. Instructor must submit the completed 形式 CSU-注册商@l9e1.com.

本科 students who would like to 请求 curriculum changes to their academic 记录. Complete to add, delete, or change a major, minor or concentration.

此外, see this new academic major report for the state of Illinois. 这个工具包含了关于不同专业毕业生的工作表现的有用数据 the labor market: How much money are they earning? What industries are they working in? How much debt do they 研究生 with? What occupations are they likely to hold? Whether declaring an initial major, or switching majors, use this tool to better inform 你的选择!

Illinois Colege 2 career


  • 所有重大的变更和补充都需要顾问的签名.
  • 顾问签名不需要删除或添加未成年人.
  • A major/minor change form will 不 be processed after a degree or credential has been 授予.


In accordance with the Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Act (IGP 59.1)188bet金宝搏官网登录网址为学生提供授权的机会 in writing the disclosure of certain private mental health information to a designated person of your choosing.

该法规定,高等教育机构可以公开心理健康状况 如果医生、临床心理学家或合格的审查员做了一个 确定该学生对自己或他人构成明显的危险 to protect the student or other person against a clear, imminent risk of serious physical or mental injury or disease or death being inflicted upon the person or by the student on himself, herself, or a不her. 的 physician, clinical psychologist, or qualified 审查员应在切实可行的情况下尽快作出决定,但不得超过24小时 根据本节的决定,尝试联系指定人员和 不ify the designated person that the physician, clinical psychologist, or qualified 主考官认定该学生有明显的,迫在眉睫的危险 to himself, herself, or others.

If you desire to designate a person that would receive certain private mental health information in such a situation, please complete the form above and return it to the Office of the 注册商. You can also email the 形式 CSU-注册商@csu.Edu, in the subject line please include Mental Disclosure.  的 form will allow you to affirmatively 授权或拒绝授权披露信息.

CSU is no longer offering a Pass/No-Pass grade option. This was available in Spring 2020 and Spring 2023, due to extenuating circumstances. 

学生提交春季准证/免准证申报表的截止日期 2023 was May 10, 2023. 的 Pass/Non-Pass option was available to 本科 students only. Additionally, students were 不合格的 for the pass/non-pass option when 重修一门课程,如果它们是 学生运动员,或 留校察看

Given that grade point average influences admission requirements to professional programs, 研究生 school admission and financial aid matters, students should have discussed 这个选项与财政援助和他们的系主任在提交之前 请求. 一旦等级选项被声明,它就不能被撤销. 这个评分 option only applied to Spring 2020 & 2023.

提交表单 由学生向注册办公室提交,以防止大学披露 any information about the student to the public, except only certain organizations with a legal right to such information.
基社盟的学生 who would like to apply 适用于大学管理和/或组织的资格考试.

请注意: 可按照规例(see CSU’s catalog for additional information). 熟练程度考试的成绩是及格或不及格.

Ready to Reignite Your Future?

Whether you've taken a break and are ready to return or you're considering re-enrollment, CSU is here to support your journey. Our dedicated team is committed to helping you reignite your academic path and achieve your goals. Explore our programs, reconnect with our vibrant community, and take the next step toward a brighter future with CSU.


为mer 本科 students of CSU who were in good academic  standing at the time of withdrawal and who wish to return after an absence of two or more years must submit 以下几点:

  • Application for readmissions 
  • 官方 transcripts from all 大学s and/or universities attended since their last 出席科罗拉多州立大学

下一个步骤:请浏览我们的 再入院的页面 to create an account in the CSU application portal and submit your readmission application.

学生 need to complete the 反向传输 Agreement 为m to allow sharing of transcript information between CSU and the Illinois public community 大学. 

转入188bet金宝搏官网登录网址的学生至少有15个可转学分 伊利诺斯州一所公立社区大学的学分,并且还没有获得 副学士学位才有资格参加反向转学计划.

Upon achieving junior standing (60 earned credit hours), students may apply to participate in the 反向传输 program. 的 student may receive an Associate’s degree from the Illinois community 大学, subject to review of completed coursework and satisfaction of degree requirements by the community 大学, while continuing to earn a Bachelor’s degree at Chicago 州立大学. 

请参阅我们的网页 反向传输 for more information.